
La Coalition Verte est une association, à but non lucratif, de groupes et d’individus, ayant comme mandat de promouvoir la conservation, la protection et la restauration de l’environnement ainsi que l’utilisation rationnelle des espaces verts et bleus.

Devenez membre aujourd’hui  — Accéder au formulaire d’adhésion pour les groupes ici.

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June 13, 2024: Westmount’s Summit Woods is a bird sanctuary. THE CITY MUST ACT TO PROTECT THE PARK’S FLORA AND FAUNA, Westmount Mag, by Emma Despland

‘Requiring visitors to remain on trails and to leash dogs are standard policies for nature parks everywhere, as it is clear that these simple measures minimize disturbance to understory plants and forest birds…’


June 19th 2024 : Their land, their choice: When economic reconciliation and climate justice conflict National Observer

By Matteo Cimellaro | Analysis, Urban Indigenous Communities in Ottawa |


Et visitez la section Nouvelles pour consulter tous nos articles et informations


The Green Coalition is a non-profit association of groups and individuals with a mandate to promote the conservation, protection and restoration of the environment and the wise use of green and blue spaces.

 Become a member today  — Click here for the group membership form

To get the latest news, click on the links above